Kings Of Convenience - The Girl From Back Then

And I sat down and said
"I don't want to suffer"
But she told me
She had nothing to offer
No more

I sat down and said
"I don't want to suffer"
But she told me
She had nothing to offer
No more

Now that I know that
I did not I didn't know
Now that I know that
I did not I didn't know
Now that I know that
I did not know you then
I didn't know you

Now that I know that
I did not I didn't know
Now that I know that
I did not I didn't know
Now that I know that
I did not know you then

Now that I know that
I did not I didn't know
Now that I know that
I did not I didn't know
Now that I know that
I did not know you then

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