Opus - Life Is Life

Opus - Life Is Life

Nanananana (4x)
Life Nanananana
Life is Life Nanananana
nabadabdaabdabdab Life Nanananana
Liiifffe Nanananana
When we all gave the power
We all give the best
Every minute after hour
Won't think about the rest
When you all get the power
You all get the best
When everyone gives everything and every song everybody sings
(Then it's) Life Nanananana
Life is life Nanananana
Life is life Nanananana
nabadabdabdab life Nanananana
Life is life
When we all feel the power
Life is life
Com'on stand up and dance
Life is Life
Well, the feeling of the people
Life is life
Is the feeling of the band
When we all gave the power
We all give the best
Every minute after hour
Won't think about the rest
When you all get the power
You all get the best
When everyone gives everything and evry song everybody sings
(Then it's) Life Nanananana
Life is life Nanananana
nabadabdabdab Life is life Nanananana
life is life Nanananana
Life nananananana (4*)
Life nananananana
Life is life nananananana

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