Kataklysm - When Time Stands Still

Have you ever felt
Like the walls are closing in
Like your world is about to end

Trapped in a place where you can't escape
Feeling desperate to breath again
To cast away that moment of insanity
And feel no more pain in solitude and despair

I close my eyes and hope to die
Trying to find and understand
The things i left behind

Bring me something to feel
I said...
Bring me somthing to feel
Hear me...

Have you ever felt
Like the walls are closing in
Like your world is about to end

Trapped in a place where you can't escape
Feeling desperate to breath again
To cast away that moment of insanity
And feel no more pain in solitude and despair

I close my eyes and hope to die
Trying to find and understand
The things i left behind

I was denied
Everytime i tried to capture
The reasons to my life

When time stands still you'll look into my eyes
Wondering why this world has died

I cannot die...i am forever...&

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